Publications (selection)
- ENGLISH: Zen and systemic therapy (PDF) Journal article Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy European Review 2005
- Handbuch der systemischen Gruppentherapie, reading sample: Inhaltsverzeichnis, Vorwort (PDF) Book 2022
- Systemische Gruppentherapie. Carmen Unterholzer und Herbert Gröger im Gespräch (click here for podcast) 2022
- Gedanken zu Mutterbildern – Erwartungen an Mütter, Väter und Kinder (PDF) Book contribution 2018
- Typisch Pflegekinder? (PDF) Commentary in familiii 2018
- Systemische Gruppentherapie und der Einsatz von Feedbacksystemen am Beispiel einer Jahresgruppe (PDF) Journal article in Systeme 2017
- Phasen in systemischen Coaching-Prozessen (PDF) Journal article in Systeme 2014
- Ana Ex und Morton Mies – die mediale Externalisierung von Störungen (PDF) Book contribution 2012
- Morton Mies – Wie die Depression siegt und wie sie scheitert (together with Leonore Petrovic und Ingrid Farag, IST Wien). DVD (German & English), Carl Auer Verlag Heidelberg 2011
- Patchworkfamilie – Ein Ratgeber und Begleiter für Familien (PDF) Brochure Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth 2011
- Team – Betriebliches Allheilmittel oder Zweckgemeinschaft von Einzelkämpfern (PDF) Lecture 2011
- Männer und ihre Verhaltensweisen – Ein Thema für Systemische Psychotherapie (PDF) Journal article in Systeme 2007
- Zen und systemische Psychotherapie (PDF) Journal article in Systeme 2005

Projects with teams and groups

Advocacy Association for Mediation (AVM)
Association for School Mediation
a_way Youth Shelter/Caritas Vienna
Basic support school classes/Wiener Sozialdienste (Vienna Social Services)
benefit_work/Caritas Vienna
Bildung im Mittelpunkt (Focus on Education) Recreational education
Centers for Mental Health/BBRZ MED
Child and youth welfare MA11
Commercial qualification/BBRZ Reha
Delphi Software Development
Dept. of Psychosomatics/Child and Adolescent Medicine/LKH Mödling
Dorotheum Auction House
Eurojobs Personnel Services
Family assistance/Caritas Vienna
Family counseling center/Kinderfreunde
Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum (BFA/BMI)
FSW Vienna Care and Social Services
Home Treatment in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/AKH and PSD Vienna
House Luise (mother and child home)/Caritas Vienna
HS Timber Industrial Holding
HTS Information Systems
JUVIVO social work with adolescents
Karl Schubert House for people with mental disabilities
Mobile early intervention/Wiener Sozialdienste (Vienna Social Services)
Protestant School Association
Rainbows groups for children in separation situations
Remondis SE and Ko KG Lünen
Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Resource pool/bfi Vienna
Siemens Electronic Toll Solutions
Social pedagogic family help/Rettet das Kind
SOS Children’s Village Pinkafeld
Sprungbrett Counseling center for girls and young women
St. Elisabeth Foundation of the Archdiocese of Vienna
VAMOS Integration Support
WAG Assistance Cooperative
Wiener Lernhilfe/Vienna adult education centers (VHS)
X42 Architect’s Office

Advocacy Association for Mediation (AVM)
Association for School Mediation
a_way Youth Shelter/Caritas Vienna
Basic support school classes/Wiener Sozialdienste (Vienna Social Services)
benefit_work/Caritas Vienna
Bildung im Mittelpunkt (Focus on Education) Recreational education
Centers for Mental Health/BBRZ MED
Child and youth welfare MA11
Commercial qualification/BBRZ Reha
Delphi Software Development
Dept. of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine/Hietzing Clinic
Dept. of Psychosomatics/Child and Adolescent Medicine/LKH Mödling
Doctors Without Borders Austria (Médecins Sans Frontières)
Dorotheum Auction House
Eurojobs Personnel Services
Family assistance/Caritas Vienna
Family counseling center/Kinderfreunde
Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum (BFA/BMI)
FSW Vienna Care and Social Services
Home Treatment in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/AKH and PSD Vienna
House Luise (mother and child home)/Caritas Vienna
HS Timber Industrial Holding
HTS Information Systems
iwi Integration Wien – Representation and services for people with disabilities
JUVIVO social work with adolescents
Karl Schubert House for people with mental disabilities
Loop Institute for Systemic Media Research
Mobile early intervention/Wiener Sozialdienste (Vienna Social Services)
Protestant School Association
Rainbows groups for children in separation situations
Remondis SE and Ko KG Lünen
Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Resource pool/bfi Vienna
Siemens Electronic Toll Solutions
Social pedagogic family help/Rettet das Kind
SOS Children’s Village Pinkafeld
Sprungbrett Counseling center for girls and young women
St. Elisabeth Foundation of the Archdiocese of Vienna
VAMOS Integration Support
WAG Assistance Cooperative
VertretungsNetz – Legal guardianship and patient advocacy
Wiener Lernhilfe/Vienna adult education centers (VHS)
X42 Architect’s Office